My virgin stick
School is starting tomorrow! I'm thinking of taking another module which brings my total number of modules to six. Anyway, I had a rough day. It sucks when the people you love hurt you. But I'm now learning to let go of the painful memories and focus on making myself happy. When something pisses me off, I try to take a moment to calm down and then just cast it out of my mind. Better to concentrate on the finer things in life then get upset over things that fuck up your life for no reason. There are some things in life I cannot change, and I'm now slowly coming to terms with that, and I'm moving on oh so slowly, but yes, its a baby step, but its enough for me..
I caught Elizabethtown the day before yesterday with fish. It stars Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom by the way. Its about how Orlando, a guy who thinks about committing suicide because he screwed up his shoe company, goes back to his home town because of his dad's death and along the way, falls in love with Kirsten Dunst(yes very long sentence). Since the story was concentrated on his dad's death, it was refreshing to see how they didnt make it into a sad weepy movie. I personally find Orlando Bloom's acting in this movie impressive.
Speaking of Kirsten Dunst, her role in this movie doesnt give her much of an opportunity to impress, but she certainly shines in Virgin Suicide. I remember watching that show with my friends Pei and Stella back in secondary school, and how we were so turned on by her acting in that movie. She smoked a lot in Virgin Suicide. So charmed were we that we bought our first pack of cigarettes right after the show, yes all because of Kirsten Dunst. Its funny, teenagers, how we were so easily influenced. I remembered trying my first stick at the stair case in Far East and how I didnt dare to suck the cigarette. Our virgin cigarette you may call it :) Those were the good old days.. when we girls did whatever things that pleases us.. Those were the carefree days..
Yes, I want to go back in time, I want to go back to sweet sixteen, when I was just happy little me :)
I caught Elizabethtown the day before yesterday with fish. It stars Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom by the way. Its about how Orlando, a guy who thinks about committing suicide because he screwed up his shoe company, goes back to his home town because of his dad's death and along the way, falls in love with Kirsten Dunst(yes very long sentence). Since the story was concentrated on his dad's death, it was refreshing to see how they didnt make it into a sad weepy movie. I personally find Orlando Bloom's acting in this movie impressive.
Speaking of Kirsten Dunst, her role in this movie doesnt give her much of an opportunity to impress, but she certainly shines in Virgin Suicide. I remember watching that show with my friends Pei and Stella back in secondary school, and how we were so turned on by her acting in that movie. She smoked a lot in Virgin Suicide. So charmed were we that we bought our first pack of cigarettes right after the show, yes all because of Kirsten Dunst. Its funny, teenagers, how we were so easily influenced. I remembered trying my first stick at the stair case in Far East and how I didnt dare to suck the cigarette. Our virgin cigarette you may call it :) Those were the good old days.. when we girls did whatever things that pleases us.. Those were the carefree days..
Yes, I want to go back in time, I want to go back to sweet sixteen, when I was just happy little me :)
At 9:40 PM, January 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
haha my first stick was at a pub. My friend gave me one to try and i rem choking on the smoke hehe
At 9:54 AM, January 11, 2006,
Anonymous said…
wahh not good for girls to smoke lah..
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