It was a bad bad bad bad day. I stepped out of the examination room feeling good as my first paper had been a breeze. Considering I didnt even study for that paper, I was confident of doing well. A question on TiVo came out in the exam. Do you know what's TiVo? Well, I wouldnt have known what it was, but I did, because I learned that from Sex and the City. Oh thank you, Miranda Hobbes, thank you for the extra marks I got from knowing what the hell is TiVo. I asked Fish if he knew what was Tivo, and he asked me if it means lesbian. Hahahaha it had me in stitches...
On to my bad day. I even had the time to goof around w
ith my

friend in the computer lab where we snapped pictures of us making faces. Ok, those pictures turned out to be badly taken, but that's me, still looking happy. Boy, did I know that in 2 hours time, I would end my second paper practically in tears, and puking on the floor. This was a module I had to retake a second time this semester, and I had actually invested time in it, so fuck it. It sucks. Codes and hardware stuff turns me off, so yeah, leave those to the freaks and geeks.
Tried to cheer myself up so I bought shoes. I still felt like crap. And by the way, I tried the new SunSilk, better known as Organics, and wow! It smells really nice and makes my hair soft. Who says you have to spend a bomb to get beautiful hair?
Well, I'm off to blast some more
Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" and pour myself a shot..
At 4:47 AM, April 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
hi dont be sad.. cheer up k.. btw u look very fair in the pic
At 12:37 PM, April 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
what is Tivo??
At 3:31 PM, April 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
hey josh here.. rem me? btw nice blog n I like that song bad day.. :) see ya ard..
At 3:01 AM, April 27, 2006,
kayeski said…
haha thanks john.. btw Tivo is something that can record TV programs..
At 3:21 AM, April 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
hi kayeski cheer up have faith and hope for the best.. Nice blog :)
At 5:55 PM, April 28, 2006,
kayeski said…
hi thanks and ohh josh nice to see you ard.. you found my blog :):)
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