Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm Still Alive

I'm officially hooked on House! Dr House's sarcasm, his wit, his charm... I wonder what it would be like dating a guy like him, but I guess it can be sexy in a funny way ;p It shows more medical scenes as compared to Grey's Anatomy, which has more drama. Hugh Laurie is a brillant actor, and House makes you appreciate the scenes when the show focuses on Dr House's personal life. His sarcasm and humour makes this show a must-watch!

As usual, school is as stressful as ever, and exams will be just around the corner, so I've got to pull my socks up. I have always been a night person, wide awake in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is fast asleep. Lately, I have taken to drinking coffee to push myself to keep awake for a few more hours. Yeh I know if I keep on going like this, I'll probably kill myself pretty soon...

I've pretty much given up on guys for now. For the past few weeks, I've been a happier person, now that I've really moved on from him. Not totally though, I still think about him at times. It's hard to forget the moments when he would go the extra mile to see me and make me smile. I kinda like the situation I'm in now, where your emotions are not really determined by that someone. It can get lonely at times, but I would rather be where I am now :)

I'll end here.. Stay happy everyone!


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