2007 Here I Come!
My first entry for the new year 2007! So much has happened.. Threw py her farewell party, with a nice dinner at Swensens, followed by a night at DXO. Just sent her off at the airport today :( py if you're reading this, just wanna let you know you will be missed and please take care of yourself.. She's the one person I can count on to listen to me in the middle of the night to gossip or bitch about sucky guys and bitches, the one who I can always call at anytime to chill with me at our favourite hang-out places, the one there for me during all my ups and downs... What will one do without such a fantastic friend?
Py is loving her "free" firehouse at Swensens!

The 3 hotties

At the airport
On to other things.. My resolutions for 2007.. That's right people, you are probably sick of hearing this word, but nevertheless, I would like to set some things straight..
- Put my studies before all things. Sorry friends..
- Stop splurging on clothes and shoes and bags. Time to save.
- Never be taken in by sweet talk from a guy. Actions prove louder than words.
- Never be too dependent on a guy, be it in terms of money or emotional support. I will never depend on a guy to sustain my standard of living nor will my life fall apart if he turns out to be an ass.
- Give a guy only what he deserves.
- Put myself on a strict diet. That means cutting down on greasy food and loading up on the healthy stuff :(
I'll end this entry by wishing everyone a great 2007 and hopefully this year will be a better year for all of us!
At 1:21 PM, January 10, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Give a guy what he deserves.. LOL.. that's a good one..
At 5:17 AM, January 12, 2007,
Anonymous said…
nice pics :)
At 3:22 AM, January 13, 2007,
Anonymous said…
hey babe, missing u over here. come here and hang out with me!
ps. u are my fantastic fren too. muacks!
At 10:45 PM, January 14, 2007,
kayeski said…
Hey py, I will come over if you buy me an air ticket.. hehe
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