Your Head Or Your Heart
Exams are just around the corner and I dont see myself pouring through tons of notes lol. Even though there is no need to attend school this week, I have already been there twice this week. Oh well, I'm having consultation with one of my lecturers, which was kind enough to offer his time four times this week! I'm thinking of getting him a thank-you gift. It's hard to get gifts for guys, and getting one for a lecturer seems to be even tougher. I usually get guys shirts from maybe Adidas or Nike as presents but I think it will be weird giving him that haha..
I have a new addiction. Everybody loves Raymond! I used to watch it a long time ago, but now I realise that it cracks me up more than before. Maybe because my sense of humour is getting better. But Friends still comes out top!
Have you ever wish your head could rule you more than your heart? I for one have been wishing that for a long time. Never good to do things with your heart ruling because your judgement is clouded, you're more emotional.. I could be on my way to get food and a lousy sms could ruin everytime and make me lose my appetite. Certain days seem to hold more significance for me and I'll just be in my own world most of the day. I wanna break away from that. I wanna rule my life a little more with my head rather than my heart. But do you know that people who use their heart more are happier when they fall in love, but of course, more depressed when they fall out of a relationship?
I realise I have been babbling a lot in this entry. I'll end here!
I have a new addiction. Everybody loves Raymond! I used to watch it a long time ago, but now I realise that it cracks me up more than before. Maybe because my sense of humour is getting better. But Friends still comes out top!
Have you ever wish your head could rule you more than your heart? I for one have been wishing that for a long time. Never good to do things with your heart ruling because your judgement is clouded, you're more emotional.. I could be on my way to get food and a lousy sms could ruin everytime and make me lose my appetite. Certain days seem to hold more significance for me and I'll just be in my own world most of the day. I wanna break away from that. I wanna rule my life a little more with my head rather than my heart. But do you know that people who use their heart more are happier when they fall in love, but of course, more depressed when they fall out of a relationship?
I realise I have been babbling a lot in this entry. I'll end here!
At 3:06 AM, November 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Girls definitely rule with their heart! It's what makes us girls! hehehe
At 5:14 AM, November 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Definitely rule with the head.. following ur heart complicates things too muchhh hehe
At 8:59 AM, November 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Where relationships are concerned, most uses the heart.
But when it comes to money, etc, career, bla bla, use the head!
At 2:26 AM, November 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I agree that girls tend to let their emotions get in the way when they make decisions.
Most of us will definitely wish we could use our head more, but its tough.. Even when it comes to matters like careers or money etc as ad has mentioned, its not easy. Most women give up their careers to be housewives is one example.
But then again, its what helps to keep the balance in a relationship. Imagine both the guy and girl using their hearts.. Too much emotions LOL..
At 2:35 AM, November 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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