Geeky Me
Nowadays, I realise that people seem to be taking the term relationship less seriously. Monogamy is not in anymore and relationships as I've observed from people around me seem to be either going sour or end faster than usual. Maybe its our inner voice telling us that there is someone better out there, or that there's no need to be that committed in every relationship. You know, as Chandler tells Ross in Friends, "Maybe you dont marry this one".
Or maybe, we dragged too much excess baggage from our previous relationships that every other one seem to have piled on even more issues. It's ironic really, because we are supposed to have learnt more from each relationship to help us be wiser for the next one.
Old fashion dating is out people! Have fun dating around seems to be the in thing now! I would like to try that sometime, although I'm more of the kind that gets joy from knowing that there is this one person waiting for me at home, that same person who will celebrate all my birthdays and valentines with me.. Oh well, I'm a bloody old-fashioned geek who by the way is still up at this ungodly hour on a Sunday morning.
A picture taken sometime back when we had an early birthday celebration for Meihui. It was a happening night and we will definitely do this again after exams! This is a bloody long post I know, guess I'm making up for the lack of entries lately :p
I'm concluding this entry by telling you guys that friends rock! Haha! I'm off to do more geeky stuff =D
At 8:10 AM, November 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I guess monogamy is not that in, but it is definitely becoming more of an option for more people now hehe.. not me though :p
At 4:37 PM, November 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hey girl, finally saw ur update.. Anyway, just want to let you know I'm still reading your blog so keep on posting.. Oh well, I think there are many kinds of people who take rs differently. Some will see it as a marriage, till death do them apart, some see it as having company so they wont get lonely, some just happen to like the person.. But I have to admit that people are taking it less seriously now I guess.. from experience.. hee!
At 6:07 PM, November 14, 2006,
MeiHui said…
Kai... you rock! Thanks for being such a good friend. Relationship has definitely become some sort of commitments for me. To conform to the norms, marriage is the best way out. But, how many times can you marry someone that you truly love? To the fact that very little people are doing this upsets me. Living in a materialistic world.
Love is blind. Definitely blind. And at the end of it when you are not blind folded, you will realise that you are in a situation where you are stuck. Bombarded with questions of WHY. Right in this situation, it's either you make a quick escape by ending the relationship or you force yourself to continue that path.
What is love??
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
Haha. According to dictionarydotcom, here's the definition. My point is, love is certainly more than that. So profound that no one can explain in this world. People die for love, live for love, or simply searching for love. Where's the love in this world? What's becoming of this world? Can you ever love someone who endangers your life? Well. Some would say, "even if the other party is either a prisoner or a begger, i will still love him/her."
Enough of all the craps. Sorry for flooding!
At 12:50 PM, November 15, 2006,
kayeski said…
Yo babe, haha i love loooong replies... Agree with you that love is blind.. Sometimes, a person doesnt even have to go to the extent of love to be blind.. You could have a strong surge of warmness or attachment for this one person who can light up for your day, who can claim that you mean something, one who actually takes the initiative to ask to be together. It pains me to see how lightly some ppl take rs... They get into one without knowing how serious they are, or end it without any thought of making the rs work or have any feelings for the person who says yes to them.. It's funny.. how ppl can be so sweet one minute, and walk away without turning back the next minute. I think I'm babbling too much and a little off here, but anyway just wanna make a point hehe.. :p
At 2:27 AM, November 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
If ur hearing small voice whisperin that there might be someone else better, it only connotes that you haven’t completely accepted the person u’ve entered into relationship with, or possibly ur not contented with what you are blessed with.
If you’re unsure, why submit into a relationship? Key words: Courtship.. Discover.. Accept.. Enjoy.. Respect.. and Love. Now, it’s up to the person how he/she will expound to unlock the true meaning of these words. You can try the old fashion way or ride on the 21st century romance. Then, perhaps the next thing u know ur seated next to your partner gum-smiling and thanking above for the greatest gift you have beside you.
ciao baby! tc.
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