Upsetting News
I bought the newspapers today during lunch so that I would have something to read when I was eating. I have not kept up with the news for quite some time and the news today was really disturbing and upsetting.
Two workers died while working when a fire occured in Jurong. It was believed they were burnt to death. Another really really piece of sad news, the one which really overwhelmed me, was a fire which happened in Malaysia. Two kids, one 4 years old and the other one 6 years old, were killed when they refused to leave behind their paralysed grandma in the house. Their elder sister tried tugging them away to safety but they just refused to leave their grandma. Their charred remains were found with the kids in a tight embrace with their grandma. Imagine that. The love they must have for their grandma. I wonder if these poor kids had somehow knew they might not make it out alive. Maybe somehow they had hoped that help would arrive in time or that they did not even think about whether they would live or not. I cried after reading this.
Makes me appreciate life a little bit more.
Two workers died while working when a fire occured in Jurong. It was believed they were burnt to death. Another really really piece of sad news, the one which really overwhelmed me, was a fire which happened in Malaysia. Two kids, one 4 years old and the other one 6 years old, were killed when they refused to leave behind their paralysed grandma in the house. Their elder sister tried tugging them away to safety but they just refused to leave their grandma. Their charred remains were found with the kids in a tight embrace with their grandma. Imagine that. The love they must have for their grandma. I wonder if these poor kids had somehow knew they might not make it out alive. Maybe somehow they had hoped that help would arrive in time or that they did not even think about whether they would live or not. I cried after reading this.
Makes me appreciate life a little bit more.
At 3:18 AM, May 05, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Hihi, u finally updated ur blog :) Yeh, it is ironic how we complain abt our lives when other people are suffering.. Keep the posts coming and tc girl :)
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