It was a happy occasion yesterday. We celebrated Pei's birthday at Swensens. She turns 21 today! Well, me and Stella are gonna throw her a real celebration when she comes back from her trip next week.. Cant wait! Below are some pictures taken:

                               We love it at Swensens!

                         Can you see a knife beside my head?

                          No idea what we are doing here..

                                            Smoking hot..

                                        Still smoking..
               Finally, the apple crumble we were lusting after..
By the way, someone really pissed me off today. Big time. People can be cruel. I'm talking about people you trust. They can sometimes turn around and betray you and do some shit to hurt you so bad you would lose your ability to ever trust again. It makes you think twice about being someone who is too nice.
Yes, this world is unfair. My only advice is always to have some sort of shield around you and never ever trust someone completely. Well, maybe except for one or two close friends that have stuck by you through the years. As for those mere acquaintances, collegues, the person you are dating, the person you are about to marry, or the person you are married to, it's never wise to trust them completely.
I had an experience when I was working a few years back when I just joined this company and I knew this ex-colleague who was always nice to me. I overheard her backstabbing me in the ladies to another ex-colleague when she thought there was no one in the cubicle. Thankfully, the other ex-colleague did not join in the backstabbing.
I heard from another friend how her boyfriend told her he loves her and all, only for her to discover one day that her boyfriend was actually seeing another woman and that woman was staying with him quite frequently! My friend, in a fit of anger, confronted the woman, only to have the woman laugh at her and she even told my friend that her boyfriend didnt really love her (which was pretty true). The bitch even had the nerve to taunt my friend that she ( the bitch) was the one staying with her boyfriend, not her. Well, fuck her!
Life is cruel. If your life sucks, take heart that everyone out there is hating life one way or another too. Thank god I have a few close friends that I know I can always count on. I shall end this entry nicely, without a trace of anger, so Happy Birthday Pei!