Monday, February 23, 2009

New start for a new year

Hello! Yes, it has been ages since I last updated my blog but here I am!

So much has happened in these few months. Well, I've managed to do something I wanted to do all along. Pick up a healthy sport! Yeh, I've joined one of those big commercial yoga centres, purely for the convenience of the location and the variety of classes offered. The membership doesnt come cheap, and whats more I'm holding a prestige card, but I guess different people choose different things in life to reward themselves for. I'm now one happy yogi who tries to devote at least four days a week practising. There was a period when I had some free time and I practise one hour to a few hours everyday for about a month, and I swear, you really improve your flexibility and energy level by leaps. It gets easier to put your forehead past your knee in the head-to-knee forward bend and headstands get a little easier to get into. I'm also really honored to have trained under the yoga world champion of 2009, Master Dev, and it's really sad that he has left the centre. I wish him all the best though.

And I'm off to a terrific start at my new job! I'm now working as an account manager at an IT company, and so far I'm really pleased with my role and the work environment. This job doesnt tie me down to specific roles but on the contrary, allows me to define some of the roles I want which is great. I get to meet so many different people everyday, and I'm learning so much from my boss. He is a brillant businessman, and I'm thrilled that he has taken me under his wing to teach me all about the business world. I've left my previous company on good terms with everyone, and given a chance, I would chosen this same company as my first job in a heartbeat. It was a small company and yes we were understaffed at times, but we were given some of the most interesting and challenging jobs in the IT industry. I've learned and experienced so much from my previous company that I'm most certainly sure a bigger and more well-known company would never have given me the chance to do so.

I'll end here for now. I'll be back real soon!