Holistic Healing
I am currently into holistic healing and have been actively doing some research and experiments with my lifestyle. Holistic healing in short means taking a holistic approach to life when seeking treatment for imbalances and choosing to live a more balanced lifestyle. Some holistic therapies I am incorporating into my lifestyle include aromatherapy, yoga and herbal remedies. I am hoping to add in meditation as a daily routine but I have been too busy and distracted to get started on this.
Holistic healing is not itself a method of treatment, but rather an approach to how treatment should be applied. It aims to address all parts of the individual, not just the physical aspect of a person where there is a lack of disease and pain. It is not intended as a one time fix but on ongoing journey of discovery in search of finding the answers to living better and healthier, and striving for wholeness. Indeed I find this approach to lifestyle an inspiring one; we are often so caught up with our career and other things in life that we seldom devote enough time for ourselves mentally and spiritually.
I am particular interested in herbal infusions. An herbal infusion is the result of steeping large amounts of plant material in boiling water. The steeping process can take from thirty minutes to many hours, depending on the type of plant material being used. Roots, barks, leaves, seeds, berries, and flowers can all be made into herbal infusions.
There are so many different theories on tea drinking, some say it contains more caffeine than coffee or it dehydrates you. But more and more studies are now showing that tea drinkers may live a healthier and longer life as they reap the benefits of flavonoids and polyphenol antioxidants which are found in abundance in tea. One of the teas scientists and nutritionists recommend drinking on a regular basis is green tea, which I am trying to do so on a regular basis. I myself believe that that there are more benefits associated with drinking tea which far outweighs the saying that caffeine is bad for you. The best thing about an herbal infusion is that it contains no part of the camellia sinensis plant, but is made entirely from herbs, flowers, berries or other leaves. Because there is no "tea" in it, it has no caffeine. And most of all, I am a huge tea fan so I really enjoy drinking tea.
I will blog more about my journey on holistic healing when I have researched more. I might even consider starting a separate blog on this if I have a lot more to share. Do drop me a note if you have anything to share with me on holistic healing.
Holistic healing is not itself a method of treatment, but rather an approach to how treatment should be applied. It aims to address all parts of the individual, not just the physical aspect of a person where there is a lack of disease and pain. It is not intended as a one time fix but on ongoing journey of discovery in search of finding the answers to living better and healthier, and striving for wholeness. Indeed I find this approach to lifestyle an inspiring one; we are often so caught up with our career and other things in life that we seldom devote enough time for ourselves mentally and spiritually.

There are so many different theories on tea drinking, some say it contains more caffeine than coffee or it dehydrates you. But more and more studies are now showing that tea drinkers may live a healthier and longer life as they reap the benefits of flavonoids and polyphenol antioxidants which are found in abundance in tea. One of the teas scientists and nutritionists recommend drinking on a regular basis is green tea, which I am trying to do so on a regular basis. I myself believe that that there are more benefits associated with drinking tea which far outweighs the saying that caffeine is bad for you. The best thing about an herbal infusion is that it contains no part of the camellia sinensis plant, but is made entirely from herbs, flowers, berries or other leaves. Because there is no "tea" in it, it has no caffeine. And most of all, I am a huge tea fan so I really enjoy drinking tea.
I will blog more about my journey on holistic healing when I have researched more. I might even consider starting a separate blog on this if I have a lot more to share. Do drop me a note if you have anything to share with me on holistic healing.