I have always been the tough fighter since I was young. Money doesnt come easily, good grades dont just happen without the hard work. I remembered times were so bad that I had to survive on a measly amount that I was mostly hungry. I couldnt afford to splurge on the things that every girl should have. But I made it. Well, that was before.
Ever since I got my first real job when I graduated from college, my life took a turn. I had enough money to eat whatever I fancy. I had enough to splurge on clothes and beauty essentials. I even had extra to save up. I also fell in love. That too, changed my life drastically. It was a relationship that had its romantic moments, but it wasnt the kind of relationship every girl wants to be in.
He broke my heart. He told me he loved me, but did things that would make anyone think other wise. The jobs I took up during my vacations gave me enough to lead the life I wanted. Well, at least financially. I would depend on no one for money. I took not a single cent from my parents. I was tough. I know that some girls would stick with a guy not for the love, but for the financial support they could provide. I also know of girls who wouldnt be able to lead the life they want had it not been the help of their boyfriends. I was not one of them. I was on my own a 100 fucking percent.
He was a shadow of my past. I still couldnt break away from his presence totally, but at least I am able to stand on my own. To break away from someone you truly love and care about, all it takes is time. And love from your friends. The only one good thing he gave me was to make me so much stronger.
I have always been a fighter. And I still am. If you think by doing what you are doing now to me can break me, think again.