Feels Good To Be Back
I wanna give my blog a different look. Something unique but nothing complicated. No girly or pinky shit. I dont wanna turn off the guy readers. Oh well, it'll have to wait till after my tests.
I think I've swear off relationships for now, at least for the time being. Looking at the people around me who are in relationships proves the fact that love is a tricky business. Two people can claim to love one another, and shit can happen. Boyfriends can talk to girlfriends with so much sarcasm that sometimes it makes you wanna laugh yet want to slap the person back. Boyfriends can hide so much fuck from girlfriends that it makes you wonder if all the effort they took to hide stuff was worth it. Yes I know I mention guys as if girls are always the innocent parties. No favouritism here, just my two cents worth from observing people I know and people around me. And not to forget I speak from the experience of knowing the biggest jerk in the world. One who is with someone else and has the nerve to ask me if I still want things. It's like, WTF????? Havent you had enough of playing with me???
Anyway, here's some pictures taken at my cousin's birthday party. I know it's weird how one minute I'm scolding people and the next minute I'm posting happy pictures. Well, life's like this. Enjoy!

Queen for a day
That's all for now. Hang in there people weekends are almost here!