Going Olive
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Kinda make me feel like getting this olive thingy from Body Shop.. Hehe
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Kinda make me feel like getting this olive thingy from Body Shop.. Hehe
Previously I was using Loreal Nutri Gloss (the pinky bottle) and it did a great job of adding shine. But I must say, Charles Worthington is pretty great, a little pricey, but it helps to keep your hair smooth and shiny at the end of the day. Do give it a try, but do get the trial kit just to make sure you like it :) The normal bottles cost close to 20 each. Ouch!
Exams are just about to finish and I cant wait!
A picture taken sometime back when we had an early birthday celebration for Meihui. It was a happening night and we will definitely do this again after exams! This is a bloody long post I know, guess I'm making up for the lack of entries lately :p
I'm concluding this entry by telling you guys that friends rock! Haha! I'm off to do more geeky stuff =D